
has extensive experience (~14 years) supporting the Naval Air
Warfare Center
-- Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) programs and projects covering the full
spectrum of E3 Life Cycle Survivability.
- NAWC EMP Technical
Engineering Services (N00421-95-D-5039, follow-on to N00421-90-D-0161)
- Development/Implementation
of Data Acquisition, Processing and Archiving Systems
- Aircraft, Aircraft Systems
test support includes: F-18A/C, E-6A, VH-60N, VH-3D, A-6E, AV-8B, and
UIE has extensive
RDT&E experience (~ 8 years) supporting the AF Research Lab (formerly
AF Weapons Lab)
- Test/technology development
of the Hardness Surveillance Illuminator (HSI), Ellipticus Antenna
- AF Strategic/Tactical
Aircraft (B-1B,F-16), EMP Test Aircraft (EMPTAC), EM Technology
- Development/Implementation
of Data Acquisition, Processing and Archiving Systems.
